Excited to share that we have been appointed to deliver the façade on Trinity by Breakthrough. Working with McLaughlin & Harvey Ltd alongside Breakthrough Properties, Niazi Roden and Gleeds, Trinity is a state-of-the-art biotech research facility set to be one of the world’s most sustainable lab environments.
Our involvement in Trinity began at a very early stage, providing crucial input in costing the façade scheme as it evolved through the design stages.
The building features a concrete frame with SFS slab infills behind the solid zones and curtain-walling in glazed modules in between. On the solid zones, we have a mixture of facing treatments including aluminium cladding, terracotta, and green walling, with glazed bays being framed by projecting fins. At roof level, we have a panelised plant screen, and at ground floor, a fully glazed stick system. The site poses tight constraints, with the building footprint maximizing available space.
With construction set to commence in Q4 of this year, we are committed to delivering a solution that not only meets the project’s objectives but also exceeds expectations.