Colorminium Start on-site at Royal Lancaster Hotel
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Yesterday marked Colorminium’s first day on-site at The Royal Lancaster Hotel, the beautiful hotel located on Bayswater Road to the north of Hyde Park.

The 4-star hotel is undergoing an extensive renovation to the main entrance that will see the hotel fixed with a curved curtain walling screen.

The ambition of the project is to lift the hotel rating to 5 stars, doing so through the brilliant design of the new main entrance to showcase the fantastic building. Complete with a curved, bronze anodised canopy, the projected reception area will be truly fitting of the hotel’s status.

Grant Shimwell (project manager at Colorminium) stated: “The Royal Lancaster Hotel is a building of luxury and elegance, characteristics that we work exceptionally well with”.

“The design for the building is brilliant and will really help the hotel to stand out even further. The combination of the bronze anodised canopy and roof lights will help to give the reception a striking feel that guests will surely love”.

The Royal Lancaster Hotel will be completed in Autumn 2017.