Business Breakfast 2
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A great collaborative discussion held this morning at Searcys, The Gherkin. Again another successful event centred on the topic of “What is it about the UK Construction Model that makes it difficult for Façade Contractors to survive?”.

We were favoured to have a representation and voice from across all aspects of the industry – those that joined us in the discussion were;

Luke Wainwright (Construction Director – CORE), Ellis McShane (Head of Facades – Multiplex), John McRae (Director – Orms), Neil Brearley (Director – Cast Consultancy), Colm Healy (Procurement & Risk Manager – ISG), Vincent Smith (UK & EU Sales Manager – Interpane), Kieran Mallinson, Gareth Baker MRICS, Roscoe Price and Ronnie Myatt.

With a well-balanced forum for discussion, it led to some very insightful views being shared and some interesting challenges being raised with the current construction model, which provoked a healthy debate from all sides of the table.

We will be sharing more insights from our discussions in due course so keep in touch to hear more and if you are interested in attending future events.