Post shared from Structuretone
Fantastic progress at our Southwark Bridge Development Project with the facade making good headway.
Last week, the Tower Crane that occupied the existing central lift core since August 2019, was removed. The crane was critical for bringing heavy mechanical plant to the roof, constructing the roof, rear and front extensions, as well the installation of new glazing and cladding packages.
Achieving this highly complex exercise, whilst safety social distancing presented a number of challenges. Together with HTC / WOLFFKRAN and JCC, we designed a suitable solution – Following the successful road closure, the team used a mobile crane, located on Southwark Bridge Road, to remove sections of the tower crane, piece by piece, and safely lowered them into a controlled cordoned-off zone at ground level.
The team, will now begin the installation of the remaining elevators in the central core, whilst continuing to drive the internal fit out towards section 1 handover.