The Schueco Excellence Awards, sponsored by RIBA J, hosted this year at The Leadenhall Building recognise and celebrate architects and specialist contractors alike that have developed innovative solutions with the use of Schueco Systems.
Colorminium entered projects in 2 categories – health and refurbishment projects. The panel of judges consisted of Hugh Pearman, editor of RIBA Journal (chairman); Paul Monaghan, Director of Allford Hall Monaghan Morris; Louise Cotter, Director of Carr Cotter & Naessens Architects; Jose Silva Hernandez-Gil, Associate of Duggan Morris Architects; Chris Macey, Group MD of Wintech Group and Steve Mudie, Director of alinea consulting.
The judges were looking for submissions that demonstrate how creativity, innovation and build-team collaboration have delivered exceptional product solutions that help to realise original design concepts.
With a varied selection and high level of entrant buildings entered from across the UK, Kieran Mallinson was very happy to accept not only the award for the healthcare category but also the Specialist Contractor of the Year Award with a commendation with the judges praising the ingenuity of Colorminium’s work.